29d 3h 34m

Pool uptime

1 minute, 23 seconds

Last update









bch.vkbit.com:3333 -u your_bch_address.worker_name -p x
bch.vkbit.com:4444 for high difficulty, compatible with mining rentals like nicehash or miningrigrentals
VK supports both IPv4: bch4.vkbit.com and IPv6: bch6.vkbit.com using the above ports.

1% pool fee - SPLNS instant payout to your address (payout list)
fee goes to qpaq5n83z7k39rspj6p9xzdx57wqmlnv0czsx25ccw
No logins, withdrawals, passwords, or pool hacks - anonymous mining directly to your own address!
VK Bitcoin (BTC) SPLNS Pool | VK Bitcoin (BTC) SOLO Pool | VK Testnet4 (tBTC) SOLO Pool

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VKBIT.COM does not advertise anything, is not affiliated with any company, and will never advertise services or products.

241 TH/s

Hashrate 1m

239 TH/s

Hashrate 5m

251 TH/s

Hashrate 15m

296 TH/s

Hashrate 1h

391 TH/s

Hashrate 6h

471 TH/s

Hashrate 1d

369989774276 369.99 B

Shares accepted

10264838692 10.26 B

Shares rejected


Rejection Ratio



3.13 3.12513433

BCH Reward


SPS 1m


SPS 5m


SPS 15m


SPS 1h

Difficulty Top 20 +(Top 1000)

1173.92 B405 GH/s110.92 B1Dsjvq...voBdQDk
2462.92 B38.3 TH/s77.37 Bqz0ktf...0zrgm2n
3640.39 B4.92 TH/s8.95 Bbitcoi...c84q6ec
41233.85 B20.4 TH/s12.73 Bqz2cg5...4qfrqwy
5125.86 B462 GH/s12.96 Bqrutjd...k3clgdx
6110.43 B486 GH/s34.58 Bqplydm...n6ajknj
738.70 B149 TH/s5.82 B1C4bx2...wxLkR5P
833.31 B6.17 TH/s2.27 B19aCbr...65nm3x8
923.06 B7.38 TH/s3.96 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
1032.74 B1.57 TH/s473.47 M1DBb8Z...Gg3mrtj


1131.61 B3.02 TH/s3.93 Bqzcnke...g580tz3
1201.51 B2.07 GH/s485.69 Mbitcoi...qz27jay
131516.04 M1.04 TH/s533.39 Mbitcoi...g78r52e
140414.15 MNot active90.39 Mbitcoi...mtv4ns5
151309.39 M1.43 TH/s389.08 Mqrjwfj...d74whd8
160253.43 MNot active76.32 M1Ptd3C...b4xgmCe
172248.75 M2.27 TH/s503.79 Mqr88na...djtahhr
180166.98 MNot active67.46 M1Ge2YV...vBt4mTH
191136.85 M498 GH/s179.47 Mbitcoi...gvyde5m
20275.06 M895 GH/s35.89 Mbitcoi...8shhmqc

Hashrate Top 20 +(Top 1000)

13149 TH/s8.70 B5.82 B1C4bx2...wxLkR5P
2438.3 TH/s62.92 B77.37 Bqz0ktf...0zrgm2n
31220.4 TH/s33.85 B12.73 Bqz2cg5...4qfrqwy
427.38 TH/s3.06 B3.96 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
536.17 TH/s3.31 B2.27 B19aCbr...65nm3x8
664.92 TH/s40.39 B8.95 Bbitcoi...c84q6ec
713.63 TH/s671.26 K3.14 Mbitcoi...lkly3dv
833.02 TH/s1.61 B3.93 Bqzcnke...g580tz3
922.27 TH/s248.75 M503.79 Mqr88na...djtahhr
1031.57 TH/s2.74 B473.47 M1DBb8Z...Gg3mrtj


1111.43 TH/s309.39 M389.08 Mqrjwfj...d74whd8
1211.04 TH/s516.04 M533.39 Mbitcoi...g78r52e
1321.03 TH/s15.17 M50.37 Mqpzf7u...lq69wcy
142895 GH/s75.06 M35.89 Mbitcoi...8shhmqc
151498 GH/s136.85 M179.47 Mbitcoi...gvyde5m
161486 GH/s10.43 B34.58 Bqplydm...n6ajknj
171462 GH/s25.86 B12.96 Bqrutjd...k3clgdx
181405 GH/s73.92 B110.92 B1Dsjvq...voBdQDk
1902.07 GH/s1.51 B485.69 Mbitcoi...qz27jay
200Not active13.26 M20.38 Mqqmhsm...r2c9s4c

What SPLNS means?

SPLNS stands for Score Per Last N Shares. Score refers to the fact that share value is weighted by the difficulty of the share found.
Last N Shares refers to the fact that the score is a rolling score based on N shares where N means 5 x the current difficulty.
The rolling average is weighted according to when the shares were found - the more recent shares are the more they are worth.

Hop proof - the system cannot be gamed to earn more by hopping on and off during lucky blocks.
SPLNS calculation is done on the fly and updated every minute based as a product of HERP DERP.
Herp stands for Hash Extracted Rate Product - where each share is worth sqrt(MIN(share diff, network_diff) / work_diff) * work_diff / 2.
Derp stands for Difficulty Extrapolated Reward Payment - where the reward equals the user's herp divided by the pool's herp i.e. it is the expected reward should a block be found now.
The pool's Herp is simply added until it reaches 5 * network difficulty.
After that it is biased every minute by scaling existing herp down to add the latest minute's herp and all users' herp is adjusted by the same scale the pool's was.

Minimum DERP to get onto payout list = 1000000 (Derp: 0.01000000)
Minimum payout = 546 sats (0.00000546 BCH) - instant BCH coinbase payout, block maturation requires 100 new blocks in the network (approx. 18 hours) (payout list).


Block Height

3.12518742 BCH

Block Reward

0.03125188 BCH

Pool Fee



Next block payout list updated @ 2024-10-22 18:45:11

#AddressSharesBest ShareLuckDerpPayout Amount
11Dsjvq...oBdQDk110.92 B73.92 B1.01%0.940311690.95121861 BCH
2qz0ktf...zrgm2n77.37 B62.92 B1%0.648222420.65574132 BCH
3qplydm...6ajknj34.58 B10.43 B1%0.288585880.29193327 BCH
41Kopfb...QFM6AXNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.23624077 BCH
5qp7h9v...s6ksx5Not activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.17701404 BCH
61LS2sZ...itZWuZNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.16600896 BCH
7qrutjd...3clgdx12.96 B25.86 B1.01%0.109081890.11034716 BCH
8qz2cg5...qfrqwy12.73 B33.85 B1%0.106666030.10790327 BCH
9qr7g9r...2446cwNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.07851074 BCH
10bitcoi...84q6ec8.95 B40.39 B1.02%0.076267990.07715264 BCH
111C4bx2...xLkR5P5.82 B8.70 B1%0.048759580.04932516 BCH
12qp3hhh...s7pprh3.96 B3.06 B1%0.033037970.03342119 BCH
13qzcnke...580tz33.93 B1.61 B1%0.03278930.03316963 BCH
14qpe42j...8ktyffNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.02085192 BCH
15qrl0qj...ndsazpNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.01984826 BCH
1619aCbr...5nm3x82.27 B3.31 B1%0.019050870.01927184 BCH
17qqqgh8...dh0ws3Not activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00891739 BCH
18qrtsyq...zp0c0yNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00640449 BCH
191GGSip...J5SwbTNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00623600 BCH
20bitcoi...ndsazpNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00507532 BCH
21bitcoi...78r52e533.39 M516.04 M1%0.004465120.00451691 BCH
22qzm62z...aaumcvNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00451292 BCH
23bitcoi...z27jay485.69 M1.51 B1.06%0.00429950.00434937 BCH
24qr88na...jtahhr503.79 M248.75 M1%0.004213670.00426255 BCH
25bitcoi...tqpzwrNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00405183 BCH
261DBb8Z...g3mrtj473.47 M2.74 B1%0.003967760.00401379 BCH
27qp25yc...0hgahzNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00369941 BCH
28qphggy...wdj87eNot activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00335824 BCH
29qrjwfj...74whd8389.08 M309.39 M1%0.003253290.00329102 BCH
30qq600m...cuhqp9Not activeNot activeNot activeNot active0.00328736 BCH


#AddressHerpSharesBest ShareDerp
1qrjtt8...qysfj9374494306.741Not activeNot activeNot active
2qzgcs8...2p2ugq355504115.009Not activeNot activeNot active
3qqny8z...pn8fqx308282311.494Not activeNot activeNot active
4qrza86...z27jay265917791.222Not activeNot activeNot active
5bitcoi...mz63nw259756319.516Not activeNot activeNot active
6qzz2y6...0ks7ul235814598.17Not activeNot activeNot active
7bitcoi...4kchnn212268506.319Not activeNot activeNot active
8qzvjzd...vpzqh2205082230.813Not activeNot activeNot active
9qzpt3a...ws9slk205017450.569Not activeNot activeNot active
10qra6g0...ecendl189813890.565Not activeNot activeNot active
11bitcoi...580tz3188096741.274Not activeNot activeNot active
12qpgyyg...j09h35179297891.888Not activeNot activeNot active
13bitcoi...vyde5m179057347.845179.47 M136.85 M0.00149886
14qztcux...gx6jgp177099328.46Not activeNot activeNot active
15qp5nq7...vhghzk169017011.049Not activeNot activeNot active
16bitcoi...fdy8l7156343690.978Not activeNot activeNot active
17qqlc7f...r5hadt155518800.841Not activeNot activeNot active
18qrmy2x...pf65hr147080727.43Not activeNot activeNot active
19qpw5m9...yj77pg138310808.668Not activeNot activeNot active
20qrdkqv...5gfyyg115741732.1Not activeNot activeNot active
21qqr3dn...65670n109820344.444Not activeNot activeNot active
22qpjqay...cuhyr7101080929.552Not activeNot activeNot active
231HnSfC...x47Diu94394650.8822Not activeNot activeNot active
2414qN6P...5VA22S93801307.5444Not activeNot activeNot active
25qz92zq...rvj58z93783817.7099Not activeNot activeNot active
26bitcoi...tv4ns591954546.989190.39 M414.15 M0.00076973
27qpdug8...msxnhp84409307.1705Not activeNot activeNot active
281Ptd3C...4xgmCe76590310.433276.32 M253.43 M0.00064112
29qph8j7...kkyprc72366086.5162Not activeNot activeNot active
301Ge2YV...Bt4mTH66993045.813267.46 M166.98 M0.00056078
31qz6cta...fsglsu62562749.6597Not activeNot activeNot active
3218PNtt...pzDa1V57914598.8335Not activeNot activeNot active
33bitcoi...3fym8f50127389.8513Not activeNot activeNot active
34qpzf7u...q69wcy49915039.063450.37 M15.17 M0.00041783
3538hUyy...sRrgiu46970994.5229Not activeNot activeNot active
36bitcoi...475gn443094075.1696Not activeNot activeNot active
371LVpLh...u6gfnt41377246.0757Not activeNot activeNot active
381GBPNt...2D9PQQ38556323.3617Not activeNot activeNot active
391GBgb8...9hMUuE35878078.7298Not activeNot activeNot active
40bitcoi...shhmqc35666505.126835.89 M75.06 M0.00029855
41qzty5s...dqwwjp34543667.0241Not activeNot activeNot active
421D8VS9...YRa2p334444939.4395Not activeNot activeNot active
431TknrL...MMHmB434271364.977Not activeNot activeNot active
44bitcoi...thqns930714275.0488Not activeNot activeNot active
451DjgoS...rYutbz28334090.7063Not activeNot activeNot active
46qzxn5f...wsamc828114991.9999Not activeNot activeNot active
473KSqmj...uJVF2x23906119.2027Not activeNot activeNot active
483LX1u4...As5Cjo22563338.2239Not activeNot activeNot active
4918hyKY...mZwDvX21986014.385622.85 M20.72 M0.00018404
50qp5p4s...58k22x21310003.6009Not activeNot activeNot active
51qqmhsm...2c9s4c20351487.27120.38 M13.26 M0.00017035
52qztlzw...mu7w8618136710.975Not activeNot activeNot active
53qpxmcz...tta00t15481836.4623Not activeNot activeNot active
54qqhd7j...tvywan14513497.0674Not activeNot activeNot active
5515mUPq...tH9zyS13520882.966Not activeNot activeNot active
56qqh9p4...wvxllh13182501.1979Not activeNot activeNot active
57bitcoi...36t40u11645681.1787Not activeNot activeNot active
58qqv5gm...jq6t2p10955681.8648Not activeNot activeNot active
59bitcoi...a9luw010877714.101Not activeNot activeNot active
601Kb8Ga...5hqz6J10679789.3429Not activeNot activeNot active
61qz4e6d...kd9wyr10005931.7816Not activeNot activeNot active
62qrgd8q...fajktu9708576.70451Not activeNot activeNot active
63bitcoi...swtc3m9418205.30355Not activeNot activeNot active
641LXrte...yA5dND8311042.46349Not activeNot activeNot active
65qqm3sk...sae7y27978086.97133Not activeNot activeNot active
661JzHAZ...fD5gxW7623176.71259Not activeNot activeNot active
67bitcoi...a7p76h6076953.72358Not activeNot activeNot active
68qpfgds...usm65s5905440.4733Not activeNot activeNot active
69bitcoi...rjlna05194330.02674Not activeNot activeNot active
70qzgz2n...4pyzsf4926004.31252Not activeNot activeNot active
71196aZM...vnACFQ4813624.17559Not activeNot activeNot active
72bitcoi...90xc674807685.1294Not activeNot activeNot active
73bitcoi...04526q3996323.23957Not activeNot activeNot active
74qpftep...hpuac83507031.4156Not activeNot activeNot active
75bitcoi...37a3sx3108340.55645Not activeNot activeNot active
76bitcoi...pgc8k22995524.87343Not activeNot activeNot active
77bitcoi...kly3dv2837782.565033.14 M671.26 K2.375E-5
78bitcoi...sae7y22336471.05431Not activeNot activeNot active
79qpwqw4...q0hw872012492.89413Not activeNot activeNot active
80bitcoi...wsamc81606131.51263Not activeNot activeNot active
813BN183...4BTEav1328039.74203Not activeNot activeNot active
821Ezk8Q...NDBEvX1289609.99471Not activeNot activeNot active
83qrj9nv...pp5wzw1094717.47552Not activeNot activeNot active
84qp4r7r...svda45684291.066959Not activeNot activeNot active
85qqluex...04526q545027.218818Not activeNot activeNot active
861PTA1j...hsnfx1528975.698685Not activeNot activeNot active
87bitcoi...awzk7l412977.216071Not activeNot activeNot active
88bitcoi...56g0rh298346.38513Not activeNot activeNot active
89qzzscf...npgr3g288335.40736Not activeNot activeNot active
90qpvs6x...d9kg3e143032.10998Not activeNot activeNot active
911B8yDW...Lyi9iR83175.6586752Not activeNot activeNot active
92qpeuqh...kly3dv78965.171857999.25 K66.78 K6.6E-7
93bitcoi...0dh3j756860.6677325Not activeNot activeNot active
94qzzzhv...thqns947640.5638085Not activeNot activeNot active
951Ny6zc...PGWHNM22987.6848959Not activeNot activeNot active
96qr82xl...zuphzf11856.3165215Not activeNot activeNot active
97qphtdu...4kchnn10452.7000312Not activeNot activeNot active
98bitcoi...wvxllh9623.945646Not activeNot activeNot active
991LHiv9...fuZg6B5876.64667131Not activeNot activeNot active
100bitcoi...aaumcv5399.50483901Not activeNot activeNot active
1013D3hFM...4wkKc6807.479167765Not activeNot activeNot active
102bitcoi...qysfj9146.201131893Not activeNot activeNot active
1031PA4eD...49PYQZ34.8538081309Not activeNot activeNot active