69d 1h 1m

Pool uptime

1 minute, 50 seconds

Last update









bch.vkbit.com:3333 -u your_bch_address.worker_name -p x
bch.vkbit.com:4444 for high difficulty, compatible with mining rentals like nicehash or miningrigrentals
VK supports both IPv4: bch4.vkbit.com and IPv6: bch6.vkbit.com using the above ports.

1% pool fee - SPLNS instant payout to your address (payout list)
fee goes to qpaq5n83z7k39rspj6p9xzdx57wqmlnv0czsx25ccw
No logins, withdrawals, passwords, or pool hacks - anonymous mining directly to your own address!
Blocks found: 881705 876003 871948 870742
SHA256: VK Bitcoin (BTC) SPLNS Pool | VK Bitcoin (BTC) SOLO Pool | VK eCash (XEC) SOLO Pool | VK Testnet4 (tBTC) SOLO Pool

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VKBIT.COM does not advertise anything, is not affiliated with any company, and will never advertise services or products.

599 TH/s

Hashrate 1m

550 TH/s

Hashrate 5m

537 TH/s

Hashrate 15m

524 TH/s

Hashrate 1h

501 TH/s

Hashrate 6h

484 TH/s

Hashrate 1d

108478333147 108.48 B

Shares accepted

4783346545 4.78 B

Shares rejected


Rejection Ratio



3.13 3.13220578

BCH Reward


SPS 1m


SPS 5m


SPS 15m


SPS 1h

Difficulty Top 20 +(Top 1000)

11261.59 B103 TH/s12.95 Bqrutjd...k3clgdx
2616.35 B125 TH/s16.05 Bqrtpdl...2nrqkqv
317.04 B5.13 TH/s625.17 M1AABse...jXTVHJG
416.48 B662 GH/s66.25 Mqphyff...trupvd4
534.46 B11.3 TH/s1.32 Bqrmcp5...l8hu8cs
632.67 B6.57 TH/s825.33 Mqr88na...djtahhr
721.70 B4.55 TH/s1.86 Bqqqgh8...3dh0ws3
811.29 B3.18 TH/s546.03 Mqqfc62...5qe66tu
931.23 B7.87 TH/s1.13 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
1021.20 B7.97 TH/s1.13 Bqrdkqv...t5gfyyg


1171.09 B12.7 TH/s1.45 Bqp0mtl...x598kvc
121556.15 M4.7 TH/s513.83 Mqrf752...tp08y0k
133445.69 M1.46 TH/s226.94 Mqzejqz...yttpr4y
143138.58 M2.01 TH/s305.99 Mqzcnke...g580tz3
151100.11 M661 GH/s69.98 Mqz5umy...p4lvx54
16167.53 M965 GH/s97.27 Mqrz0pn...nkcvvkm
17159.88 M465 GH/s61.28 Mqplydm...n6ajknj
18152.72 M1.08 TH/s111.47 Mbitcoi...g78r52e
19147.13 M337 GH/s72.39 Mqzx0pp...ms3fq58
20052.55 KNot active20.00 Kqqd5f9...emlmez3

Hashrate Top 20 +(Top 1000)

16125 TH/s16.35 B16.05 Bqrtpdl...2nrqkqv
21103 TH/s261.59 B12.95 Bqrutjd...k3clgdx
3712.7 TH/s1.09 B1.45 Bqp0mtl...x598kvc
4311.3 TH/s4.46 B1.32 Bqrmcp5...l8hu8cs
527.97 TH/s1.20 B1.13 Bqrdkqv...t5gfyyg
637.87 TH/s1.23 B1.13 Bqp3hhh...zs7pprh
736.57 TH/s2.67 B825.33 Mqr88na...djtahhr
815.13 TH/s7.04 B625.17 M1AABse...jXTVHJG
914.7 TH/s556.15 M513.83 Mqrf752...tp08y0k
1024.55 TH/s1.70 B1.86 Bqqqgh8...3dh0ws3


1113.18 TH/s1.29 B546.03 Mqqfc62...5qe66tu
1232.01 TH/s138.58 M305.99 Mqzcnke...g580tz3
1331.46 TH/s445.69 M226.94 Mqzejqz...yttpr4y
1411.08 TH/s52.72 M111.47 Mbitcoi...g78r52e
151965 GH/s67.53 M97.27 Mqrz0pn...nkcvvkm
161662 GH/s6.48 B66.25 Mqphyff...trupvd4
171661 GH/s100.11 M69.98 Mqz5umy...p4lvx54
181465 GH/s59.88 M61.28 Mqplydm...n6ajknj
191337 GH/s47.13 M72.39 Mqzx0pp...ms3fq58
200Not active52.55 K20.00 Kqqd5f9...emlmez3

What Does SPLNS Mean?

SPLNS stands for Score Per Last N Shares. The term "Score" refers to the fact that share value is weighted by the difficulty of the shares found. "Last N Shares" means that the score is a rolling score based on N shares, where N equals 5 times the current difficulty.

The rolling average is weighted according to when the shares were found - the more recent the shares, the more they are worth.

Hop-Proof System

The system is designed to be hop-proof, meaning it cannot be exploited by hopping on and off during periods of lucky blocks. The SPLNS calculation is performed dynamically and updated every minute based on a combination of HERP and DERP.

  • HERP (Hash Extracted Rate Product): Calculated as sqrt(MIN(share difficulty, network difficulty) / work difficulty) * work difficulty / 2, determining the value of each share.
  • DERP (Difficulty Extrapolated Reward Payment): The reward is determined as the user's HERP divided by the pool's HERP, representing the expected reward if a block were found at that moment.

The pool's HERP accumulates until it reaches 5 times the network difficulty. After that, it is adjusted every minute by scaling down the existing HERP to include the latest HERP value for that minute. All users' HERP values are adjusted proportionally.


There will always be 50 payouts allocated to the top miners. To qualify for the payout list, you must increase your HERP/DERP score to surpass the miner ranked 50th.

Instant BCH Coinbase Payout

Block maturation requires 100 new blocks in the network (approximately 18 hours). For details, see the payout list.


Block Height

3.13326585 BCH

Block Reward

0.03133266 BCH

Pool Fee



Next block payout list updated @ 2025-01-26 15:11:02

#AddressSharesBest ShareLuckHerpDerpPayout Amount
11Dsjvq...oBdQDk35.16 B760.25 B103.00%36165143296.2190.064389590.91222990 BCH
2qrtpdl...nrqkqv16.05 B16.35 B100.00%16119438501.4780.028699570.40659919 BCH
3183jm9...jKF2EJ13.65 B5.38 B100.00%13629642182.2890.024266650.34382131 BCH
4qrutjd...3clgdx12.96 B261.59 B101.00%13031525596.5420.023201750.32870884 BCH
535c6qH...yxmXXr7.96 B2.19 B100.00%7954784194.44770.014162950.20066657 BCH
6qrj27y...fdnvnu3.89 B1.48 B99.00%3849663315.26130.006854060.09711159 BCH
7qqqgh8...dh0ws31.86 B1.70 B100.00%1860302601.13810.003312140.04692678 BCH
8qp0mtl...598kvc1.45 B1.09 B100.00%1452848966.18270.002586690.03664477 BCH
9qrmcp5...8hu8cs1.32 B4.46 B100.00%1324749503.05370.002358620.03341486 BCH
10qqfc62...qe66tu546.13 M1.29 B100.00%545603870.242680.002058640.02916711 BCH
11qrdkqv...5gfyyg1.13 B1.20 B100.00%1130996698.67080.002013660.02852772 BCH
12qp3hhh...s7pprh1.13 B1.23 B100.00%1129837394.91760.002011590.02849963 BCH
131AABse...XTVHJG625.29 M7.04 B101.00%629412009.307570.001790450.02536698 BCH
141L2uuN...shSfq4896.56 M312.70 M100.00%893321844.170110.001590490.02253362 BCH
15qr88na...jtahhr825.55 M2.67 B100.00%825701852.798730.00147010.02082698 BCH
16qq6xy5...dm06xc114.10 M88.65 M100.00%114521853.086570.001409590.01997117 BCH
17bitcoi...ycn7hf144.00 M1.12 B100.00%144168130.368310.001403470.01988493 BCH
18qr7ma2...q25a05795.21 M695.18 M98.00%780889458.193920.001390320.01969871 BCH
19bitcoi...mz63nwNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001387430.01965783 BCH
20qphe2m...whrcs2Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001356140.01921448 BCH
21bitcoi...s4n7wn104.23 M43.59 M100.00%104350461.622310.001333670.01889582 BCH
22qzz2y6...0ks7ulNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001259550.01784597 BCH
23bitcoi...78r52e111.50 M52.72 M99.00%110778609.375090.001258120.01782544 BCH
24qq2244...a5nq3t409.90 K3.28 M111.00%453170.540558730.001240860.01758116 BCH
25qpvnzl...xdke7j677.90 M977.12 M100.00%677557883.648820.001206340.01709053 BCH
261F8Pd9...CYRvKzNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001187840.01682995 BCH
27qzx0pp...s3fq5872.40 M47.13 M100.00%72648153.2887270.001180730.01672897 BCH
281AF5tV...rVKMKrNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001166360.01652553 BCH
291AqeE5...7CbRKqNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001165260.01651001 BCH
30bitcoi...4kchnnNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001133780.01606405 BCH
31qzvjzd...vpzqh2Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00109540.01552021 BCH
32qzpt3a...ws9slkNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001095050.01551530 BCH
331DZUL4...8C4KURNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00109030.01544796 BCH
34qphyff...rupvd466.27 M6.48 B102.00%67270203.7812980.001076680.01525485 BCH
35qzdjln...z3qlc4571.66 M112.64 M100.00%569783770.68160.001014460.01437112 BCH
36qra6g0...ecendlNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001013850.01436473 BCH
37bitcoi...580tz3Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.001004680.01423478 BCH
38bitcoi...fdy8l7Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00099680.01412319 BCH
39bitcoi...wgkh0w23.62 M76.30 M105.00%24857433.4361990.000992470.01406190 BCH
40qpgyyg...j09h35Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000957680.01356890 BCH
41qzm62z...aaumcvNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000948860.01344401 BCH
42qztcux...gx6jgpNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000945940.01340252 BCH
43qrf752...p08y0k513.92 M556.15 M100.00%514924513.55880.000916780.01298814 BCH
44qqp27a...utnlqdNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000908610.01287367 BCH
45qp5nq7...vhghzkNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000902860.01279224 BCH
461AdHRj...2tyQs7Not activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000866970.01228369 BCH
47bitcoi...tqpzwrNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000851920.01207040 BCH
48qqlc7f...r5hadtNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.000830670.01176935 BCH
491KeKM4...faycYLNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00080070.01134481 BCH
50qrmy2x...pf65hrNot activeNot active100.00%Not active0.00078560.01113077 BCH